Food & Nutrition Services – Denver Metro

Feeding Children, Adults and Seniors

To help seniors live safely and independently in their own homes

Get Help Through One Of Our Services

City Harvest Food Bank

The City Harvest food program collects perishable and non-perishable donated foods and distributes to over 70 community pantries and foodbanks serving low income families and the homeless throughout the Denver Metropolitan Area.

Congregate Dining Centers

Volunteers of America’s Seniors’ Nutrition Program provides nutritious meals, access to community resources and positive social interaction at Congregate Dining Centers.

Gilpin & Clear Creek Services

Volunteers of America’s Gilpin/Clear Creek Transportation Program provides transportation and meal services for residents of Gilpin and Clear Creek Counties who are 60 years of age and older.

Market Meal Program

Volunteers of America’s Market Meal Program is an initiative created to feed homebound seniors who do not require daily home delivered meal visits.

Meals on Wheels

Volunteers of America’s Meals on Wheels Program serves Adams, Arapahoe, Clear Creek, Denver, Douglas, Gilpin, Jefferson and Larimer counties. Each meal consists of an entrée and accompaniments such as vegetables, fruits, breads, milk, etc.

The Mission

The Mission is a daytime shelter which provides clients with food, clothing, job training, employment assistance, spiritual guidance, referrals and a safe place for relaxation and refreshment.

Other Helpful Services

Meals on Wheels Kitchen

Our large, modern Michael Kern Kitchen allows us to provide a greater volume of nutritious meals – safely and economically – for more vulnerable and malnourished older adults than would otherwise be possible.

Nutrition Education

Nutrition Education is a vital part of the Volunteers of America Meals on Wheels and Congregate Dining Center Programs. In addition to healthy meals, nutrition education is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle.

Senior Resources

Additional service locations and helpful links.

Healthy Aging Program Overview

 The Healthy Aging Program at Volunteers of America Colorado is dedicated to improving the health and well-being of adults 60 and older. Our initiatives include:

  • Nutrition Education:
    • Emphasizing intuitive eating and understanding body cues.
    • Highlighting the nutritional benefits of diverse foods.
    • Addressing practical challenges like cooking in small spaces and grocery shopping on a budget.
  • Fitness-Focused Activities:
    • Programs include Healthy Moves for Aging Well, Bingocize®, and Tai Ji Quan.
    • Designed to promote longevity, maintain independence, and prevent falls.

Healthy Moves for Aging Well (One on One)

 This 3-month physical activity program is designed for seniors aged 60+ living at home, with an additional 6-month follow-up for continued support.

  • Initial Assessment: Clients learn tailored exercises they will perform independently.
  • Weekly Support: Our Senior Fitness Specialist connects with clients weekly via phone to review progress, provide motivation, and make adjustments as needed.
  • Goal: Encourage consistent physical activity while building confidence and promoting independence.

Bingocize® (Group Class)

 This fun, 10-week evidence-based program blends bingo with exercise and health education to support physical activity, prevent falls, and enhance overall well-being.

  • Sessions Include:
    • Exercises for balance, strength, endurance, and range of motion.
    • Interactive health education activities.
  • Goal: Make physical activity accessible, engaging, and adaptable for diverse groups.

Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance® (Group Class)

 A 12-week evidence-based fall prevention program adapted from Simplified 24-Form Tai Ji Quan.

  • Focus: Therapeutic movements to improve:
    • Postural stability and balance.
    • Coordination, lower-body strength, and cognitive function.
  • Goal: Transform traditional martial arts into a practical regimen that enhances mobility and reduces fall risks.

Interested in Partnering with Us?

If you are a coordinator and think your site would be a good fit, contact Samantha Locke at

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